Educational Forums
At the conclusion of the initial growing season – Ivy League Farms hosted its first Industrial Hemp Forum, Industrial Hemp Basics! The half-day Forum was offered for free in November 2019, to farmers and community members to educate them on basic agriculture, growing Industrial Hemp and the Hemp Industry overall. Ivy League Farms brought together presenters with knowledge and experience working with this re-emerging crop, and products made from it. Attendees stated they enjoyed the Forum and learned lot of information – but wished there was additional time to learn even more!
Ivy League Farms was honored to partner with the City of Kankakee Economic and Community Development Agency to plan a second Forum, Industrial Hemp Basics v2.0! The Forum was scheduled to take place in March 2020 and was arranged to offer more presentation time and details about hemp policy, growing practices, and the industry – along with industry vendors. Due to concerns and safety surrounding COVID-19 (Coronavirus), the Forum has been postponed.
Ivy League Farms is anxiously awaiting the opportunity to co-host this educational session, as soon as it is safe and appropriate to do so. More information will be forth coming.