About Ivy League Farms
Ivy League Farms is a family owned business located in rural Kankakee County, IL. The family farm has grown natural fruits and vegetables including Greens, Okra, Squash, Bell Peppers, Watermelons, Eggplants, Strawberries, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Sunflowers, and various peas and beans since 1972.
As a child growing up in the south, the family patriarch farmed Cotton, Chicken, Hogs, String Beans, Sweet Potatoes, White Potatoes, Greens and a host of other vegetables along with his parents and siblings. He spent a portion of his adult life living in Chicago before purchasing farmland in rural Kankakee County – which would later become known as Ivy League Farms.
In 2019 the State of Illinois enacted the growing of Industrial Hemp; Ivy League Farms became a licensed grower and planted its inaugural crop the same year. Ivy League Farms plans to continue growing natural vegetables, while expanding to the Industrial Hemp crop.
Ivy League Farms has hosted informational workshops aimed at bringing farmers and the community at-large together to educate them on agriculture, the Industrial Hemp industry and growing Industrial Hemp.